Reliable and energy independent cooling for food
The new generation of save cooling technology by GLOBAL ICE TEC AG assures, that even with patchy energy supply reliable cooling will be guaranteed for at least three days. This technology provides the basis for substantially improving the living conditions in developing and emerging countries – even without constant power supply. This patented technology is extremely robust, low-maintenance and produces no emissions in daily use.

UNOCOOL® 165 – The Best Domestic Refrigerator in the category of Solar Direct Drive Refrigerators.
The Global LEAP Awards identifies best-in-class off-grid appliance technologies
that lead the innovation in energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness.


Energy Saving
The new generation of save cooling of a UNOCOOL® 165 refrigerator requires up to 30 % less energy compared to the usual appliances. Depending on the outside temperature the inside temperature can be kept for several days below + 8 degree Celsius.

Reliable Cooling
The new generation of save cooling is ideal for usage in countries with instable or patchy energy supply and can even be fully energy self-sufficient if combined with a single solar module.

Solar Modul
SO EASY, SO INGENIOUS. With Solar Module 100 % Energy Self-Sufficiency is achieved. 1 Standard solar panel = self-sufficient energy for 1 UNOCOOL® 165 refrigerator.

No Dehumification
No dehumidification of interior as is the case with conventional cooling technology. Contents therefore stay fresh even without additional wrappings.

UNOCOOL® refrigerators support 12 of 17 goals
highlighted in color

With UNOCOOL® households save up to 500$ per year
A fridge powered by a diesel generator consumes at least 500 liters of diesel per year at a cost of at least 350 USD. Less food loss by using a fridge also means less lost income for households.

With UNOCOOL® hunger can be reduced
Off-grid refrigerators can contribute to improved food security by helping to reduce post-harvest food waste and loss. Roughly a third is food loss and waste by household consumption.

With UNOCOOL® nutrition can be more healthy
Off-grid refrigerators can impact health outcomes by improving food safety and nutrition diversification. Even medicine and other easily perishable products can be stored safe.

With UNOCOOL® women gain time for other activities
Households owning a refrigerator can store food for longer periods. There is no need to go the market daily, freeing up time for other activities. As women are mostly responsible for preparing food, they gain time for other activies.

With UNOCOOL® clean water can be saved
Globally, the blue water footprint (i.e. the consumption of surface and groundwater resources) of food wastage is about 250 km3. This can be reduced by refrigeration without interruption and hence a lot of water wastage could be avoided.

With UNOCOOL® clean energy use for zero money
Solar direct drive refrigerators provide a completely renewable energy resource while at the same time the ice storage technology provides reliability in an off-grid environment.
WITHOUT batteries.

With UNOCOOL® jobs can be created
A recent analysis from GOGLA estimates that the off-grid solar industry will support over 1.3 million jobs by 2022 including around 220,000 high skill jobs, 290,000 medium skill jobs and 800,000 lower skill positions.

With UNOCOOL® use is possible even in off grid rurals areas
Since off-grid areas are nearly exclusively rural areas of a country the introduction of household appliances such as solar powered refrigerators helps reduce the disparity in between rural and municipal areas in a tangible way.

With UNOCOOL® responsible consumption and production
FAO estimates that each year, approximately one-third of all food produced for human consumption in the world is lost or wasted.

With UNOCOOL® savings up to 10 tons of CO2 is possible per year
Depending on the specific usage scenario, UNOCOOL® avoids production of CO2 in the amount of 1 to 2 metric tons per year and unit as compared to a refrigerator operated by a diesel Generator as a power source. Even through less food wastage a UNOCOOL® can safe up to 1 ton CO2.

With UNOCOOL® protect land
Besides the negative impact of food wastage as described above, produced but uneaten food vainly occupies almost 1.4 billion hectares of land; this represents close to 30 percent of the world’s agricultural land area.

With UNOCOOL global partnerships can be found
While having a product which covers 12 of the 17 UN GOALS for sustainible development, it will be easy to find and implement a lot of global partnerships.

The UNOCOOL® 165 utilizes an absolutely non-toxic and environmentally friendly refrigerating agent.


For business enquiries and product information
please get in touch
Headquarter Germany
Matthesstrasse 48
D-09113 Chemnitz
Tel: +49 371 2733.7075
Fax: +49 371 2733.7084
Entry in the commercial register
Matthesstraße 48
D-09113 Chemnitz
Fon: +49 (0) 371 2733 7075
Fax: +49 (0) 351 2733 7084
Amtsgericht Chemnitz
HRB 31154
Marina Kropf
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